Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I was reading USA today the other morning and came across this sweet "Ode to Mothers" in a Procter and Gamble advertisement. Though it is indeed an ad, it's still a super cute Mother's Day poem of sorts; this being said, Happy Mother's Day to you, Mom! Thank you for everything you do, and being there for us each and every day. We love you. 

- Oven Zest & The Printed Thought.

Mom will ask you to wash
your hands and wipe your feet.

To mind your manners.
To cover your mouth when you cough.

Mom will ask you to not jump off a cliff,
even though everyone else is.

To stop making that face or it will freeze that way.
To stop fighting or she'll turn this car right around. 

Mom will ask that if you don't have
anything nice to say, to not say anything at all.
To remember that money doesn't grow on trees.

To do your homework, clean your room,
keep your elbows off the table and eat your vegetables.

To not forget your jacket. To brush your teeth,
wash behind your ears and wear clean underwear.

Mom will ask you what you want for breakfast,
when you need a ride home from practice
and if you have any clean socks.

Mom will ask you to be kind and patient.
To be a good person, call your grandparents,
work hard and pay your bills on time.

But there's one thing Mom never asks for:

Thank you, Mom. Happy Mother's Day.

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