Eight weeks until half-marathon "go-time." Panicccc. Actually, I do feel as if my running has been progressing, but I'm still recovering from the lingerings of a nasty cold which really threw a wrench into the gears for a solid week and a half. Coughing. Congestion. Sneezing. Symptoms that are NOT conducive to the 6-mile long-run.
Nevertheless, I'm back up and running and have recently discovered the ultimate sports recovery beverage for both pre and post-workout! Coming to a grocery store (or already in) a health-foods store near you: Coconut Water.

I decided to give it a whirl a while back because I'm constantly trying to hone-in on methods to prevent the crippling "side-stitch." For me, its onset is usually a result of eating a meal too soon before running, drinking too much water too soon before running, not having enough salt and/or electrolytes in my system, or being slightly dehydrated throughout the day. Coconut Water is the ultimate cramp-buster, I swear. Entirely all-natural with no added sugars, fat, cholesterol, colorings, chemicals or preservatives, it is low-calorie, chock-full of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and boosts more potassium than a banana. Think of it as nature's sport drink.
For more than 4,000 years, coconut water has been revered as a natural source of hydration, nutrition, wellness, and beauty. Present-day, coconut water is harvested from young, green coconuts - approximately 7 months old (before the meat grows) - and is usually flash pasteurized. Naturally containing the 5 essential electrolytes the body needs to keep nerves firing, muscles moving, and to help handle stress - potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium, and calcium - they help prevent muscle cramping as well.
Low in acidity with a pH of 5, incredibly, coconut water has also been used to save lives. Particularly in World War II and the Vietnam War when IV solutions were in short supply, coconut water was actually used as an intravenous solution to prevent dehydration. In fact, it is the only natural substance that can be safely injected into the human bloodstream (though drinking it, of course, is the preferred method).
There are three prominent coconut water brands on the market that I've encountered thus far: ZICO, O.N.E., and Vita Coco. They all taste pretty similar to me, though their fruit infusion flavors vary. I recently purchased ZICO's mango-flavored coconut water because it was on sale at Whole Foods. As far as the nutrition label is concerned, here's a snapshot from the back of my 1-Liter carton.

60 calories per approximately 11 oz. (1 serving). Not bad for the nutritional benefits to be gained from this miracle fruit! p.s. You can also freeze coconut water instead of regular water for ice cubes. Margarita on the coconut-water rocks anyone?
You can also get rid of side stitches by breathing without letting your diaphragm rise -- if necessary, slow down and / or hold your rib cage down.
Thanks for the tip, Yen! Will certainly be trying this technique.
I LOVE the margarita idea! :) Genius!
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